Its strange how a week can pass so quickly and you think you've achieved nothing. Thats been my week but after downloading my pictures I feel like I've had a great week.
I've spent the week making baking soda and vinegar volcanoes and silly putty with a great bunch of Year 7 and 8 boys, building boats with Year 2's, exploring our local rocky shore with Year 6, I've finished my first ever sun hat for Lucy, I've taught myself how to make a lined zippered purse (without a seam at the bottom!) and made one and I'm reading a great book!
Suddenly finding myself as a science and technology teacher, I've begun to remember some of the fun things we did as kids, anything that made a mess, tasted great or just weren't supposed to do was fantastic fun! Hopefully I can give some of these kids a taste of that. I've been exploring growing crystals, without much success, and so this week its finding the perfect recipe to make hokey pokey - what better way to explore chemical change? I'll post my most successful recipe for hokey pokey next week. I'm secretly chuffed with my reversable hat! I joined this Sew Along and so followed Hazel's blog each week. Lucy loves it too so I can see I'll be making her another one, and perhaps one for me too. What bliss I have every Monday night. Sewing class. Three whole hours of just sewing and chatting sewing. Perfect.
Oh, and my great book. The cover caught my eye at the libary the other day. The Diviner's Tale by Bradford Morrow. There's just something about the main character, Cassie, who is a single mum and a water diviner. I'm only about a third of the way through and am finding it hard to put down.